Wednesday, September 22, 2010


ho! ho! ho! i am blogging again. i am kinda going to do this kinda weird. i am starting in august ...going into september. then go back and do july and june. something like that.

so, in august, we took a road trip to visit demarko's extended family in illinois. if you really want to know how i really feel about the trip, you need to call me, because i don't want the printed word to come back and haunt me.

on the way there, we only would only stop for gas, food and potty breaks. yup...with three kids that is all we stopped for. we got to BLUE EARTH MINNESOTA and i had demarko stop to see the jolly green giant. sonly sad thing, dillon was asleep. i think he would have enjoyed it.

if you squint, you can see jheriko. make sure you squint!

these are more his size!
so, the camera was broke...then i realized i could take pictures with it. we missed out on a lot of good photo ops with extended family. the next few are pictures we took on the way home.

this is jheriko and emmonie at the world famous CORN PALACE. in case you are wondering, it is in MITCHELL S.D. it was nice to let the kids out to run and allow demarko time to sleep in the van.

ok, this was NOT at the CORN PALACE. it is out of sequence. this is actually MT. RUSHMORE. bet you always thought it was bigger, hu? and a little less plastic looking. NOPE!

ok...back to the CORN PALACE. that is one big ear of corn.
dillon just standing there. that doesn't happen too often!
ok. i had a TON of pictures at WALL DRUG. the kids got to ride a jackalope, yada yada. for some reason, they did not download. maybe i will try again someday. don't hold your breath, i probably won't.
this is jheriko showing his birthday head. we met up with penny and had dinner at tomato street. it was a (the) highlight of the trip....seeing penny...i mean eating at tomato street....i mean seeing penny...i mean.....
this is penny showing off her birthday head. i was there, and didn't understand. call penny, maybe she can tell you?
jheriko and emmonie with green tounges. do i need to say more?
dillon with daddy's boots. it won't be long before he will really fit into them. he is growing so fast. his personality is as big as the world. i love him so much!
my big boy is all grown up. his first day of school was september 8. he was very brave. he did not cry. i didn't either. i was too busy smiling ant how grown up he acted.
this is jheriko and his friend SAMMY. it is good that they started together. i think that helped them both be brave!
yup...i stayed to see what was going on. there they are sitting down. he is so cute.
dillon, dillon...i love your face. don't you just want to eat him?
he gets tired of me saying...dillon, dillon, let me take your picture. superstar!!!!!
watch out, here come #4

that's it, folks...until next time!


Pam Emerson said...

YEAHHHHH!!! A blog post!!!! That's so exciting! You've been holding out on us. All these adorable pictures of your kids. AND {can I just say this---}I'm JEALOUS!!! Jheriko and Emmonie got to go up to the Jolly Green Giant? When we went, we were so far away. I think it was cold. Yeah, very cold. But, I'm still jealous. It is fun to see pictures of the JGG, and the Corn Palace, and Wall Drug. Brought back memories. Did Jher remember any of it? And, what about the Spam Museum? Did you go through there? What good times!


Melanie Robinson said...

Jill, you're family is so cute! Who is the little girl in your pictures? I'm an awful friend. I've been meaning to call, but have been running around like a CrAzY person. Glad to see your blogging. I'm hooked! Tell Demarko "hi". Take care!

jillybean's world said...

melanie...the little girl is my niece, emmonie. she is 4. she really is cute. and call any would be great to catch up.

pam...i think we went up to the giant. i will have to look for those pictures, but, i think we did. spam was a whole 24ish miles away. demarko didn't want to go that far...told him it would be the highlight to go to austin. he didn't believe me~! and it WAS good times!

jillybean's world said...

oops, my earth to austin is 1 hour...a little over 50 miles.

Anonymous said...

Love these pictures. Hope to see some Christmas pictures soon. I hope you have a Merry Christmas!!!!!!!

Love, Lani